OCRA-DG Membership & Subscriptions

OCRA-DG membership includes individuals who work in Life Sciences industries such as medical device, pharmaceutical, biologic, and dietary supplement, etc.


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Events and

We provide educational and networking events. Join us to keep up with the latest in regulatory and legislative activities!


This directory supplies information about consultants providing regulatory, clinical, and quality system services in Orange County and elsewhere.


Orange County Regulatory Affairs (OCRA) Discussion Group is a non-profit volunteer-led organization comprised of Regulatory Affairs professionals primarily from Southern California and surrounding areas. Our mission is to enhance professional development through educational programs and foster networking opportunities within the regulatory community. Established in 1994, OCRA has grown to become a leading organization for regulatory affairs professionals nationwide. Our events and meetings serve as educational forums and networking platforms, attracting participants not only from Orange County but also from across the West Coast region. While our primary focus is regulatory affairs, our programs also offer valuable insights for professionals in related fields such as Engineering, Marketing, and Quality. Join us in advancing knowledge and collaboration within the regulatory landscape.

Our Partners


OCRA-DG is committed to identifying new educational and professional development opportunities for our members and to promoting awareness of the Regulatory Affairs profession in general.

Consultants Directory

OCRA-DG provides names of individuals and organizations offering the consulting services without pre-screening or endorsement. Anyone availing themselves of these services does so at their own risk and retains sole responsibility for determining and ensuring the appropriateness of those services to their needs while holding OCRA-DG harmless and without liability for any negative consequences arising from that use.

Contact us

Feel free to reach out to OCRA with any inquiries or issues you may have. We warmly welcome new members and volunteers interested in running programs, hosting events, speaking engagements, or assisting with our Annual Conference and membership drives. You can contact us at inquiry@ocra-dg.org.


A non-profit volunteer organization composed of Regulatory Affairs professionals, OCRA-DG has hundreds of members representing over 250 medical device, pharmaceutical, biologic, and dietary supplement companies in Orange County and surrounding areas.