JOIN US FOR AN OCRA OPEN HOUSE - NEW DATE & LOCATION Network, Engage, and Socialize February 26, 2024 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM Program: Introduce the 2024 Board Volunteers & strategic partners appreciation Membership appreciation Membership drive Location: Location: "Be Good" restaurant in Huntington...
From Discovery to Market: Decoding Drug Development's Journey What are the Key Milestones, Challenges, and Innovations in the intricate development process? This webinar provides an insightful view of the intricate process involved in developing pharmaceutical drugs and delves into the multifaceted stages shaping the landscape...
How to be agile in the dynamic regulatory environment without sacrificing quality - Best practices for CLIA lab setup and certification The Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments require that clinical laboratories, including those in healthcare facilities, reference labs, public health labs, and some research labs need...
Speaker: Steven Thompson Topic: Advancements vs Ethics – How to safely use advanced technologies and avoid a catastrophe Synopsis: Technology is advancing exponentially especially with significant progress in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Generative AI. But with the advancement comes challenges because technology often outpaces...
The first meeting of the OCRA Leadership Circle will be Friday, Sept 15th, from 12:00-1:00pm PT, via Zoom. For more information, please contact Huong Huynh at For Members Only Do you have mentors, sponsors, and allies? Learn about these important supporters to your career journey....
JOIN TEAM OCRA FOR THE RELAY FOR LIFE Date: Saturday, Sep 9, 2023 Time: Team OCRA will meet at 9:30am, walk starts at 10am Location: Team OCRA will meet in the parking lot at Santa Ana College, 1530 W. 17th St, Santa Ana As part...
Date: Thursday, Aug 10, 2023 Time: 5-7pm PST Location: Taco Rosa Newport Beach Cost: free Parking: free Finger food is provided, cash bar Contact: Please join us to learn more about the volunteer opportunities at OCRA! Join the Annual Meeting committee and celebrate OCRA's 30...
OCRA & PDA Co-Hosted Event Date: Thursday, July 27, 2023 Time: 5-8pm PST Location: Tustin Ranch Golf Club Speaker: Dr. Binh Nguyen, Former FDA Official Cost: $25 member, $50 non-member Parking: free REGISTER NOW **PLEASE NOTE** This presentation will be dealing primarily with the...
Hosted Event: This event is brought to you by OCRA and Device Alliance Date: May 25 from 5:30pm - 7:30pm Location: Taco Rosa 2632 San Miguel Dr, Newport Beach, CA 92660 COST: OCRA or DA members free Non-member $25 online or $30 at the door...